  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by Linda Rogers 13 years, 3 months ago


We will be using Blogger for to create blogs for all TOK Students. The goal for the blogs: 

  • Allow students a different format to practice TOK writing.
  • Create a network where students can read, reflect, and comment on each others' work.
  • Practice evaluation and synthesis of course concepts, personal experiences, and "real life" situations in order to practice for the TOK Essay and TOK Presentation. 
  • Participate in collaborative projects with other IB TOK Schools



Blogger is a blogging platform owned by Google. It is simple to setup and easy to use. You can use the same login for Blogger that you use for Google Docs. Blogger itself has two main screens:


  • The Dashboard is the control center of your blog.
  • It allows you to add & edit postings, control settings, and customize your blog. 

Blog View 

  • This is what the world see.
  •  People can follow your blog, comment on postings, and check out any widgets you added. 


Setting up your Blog

Getting started with Blogger is very easy.

  1. Log into your Google Docs Account. 
  2. On the Google Homepage, goto the toolbar at the top left side. Select "More" --> "Even More" --> "Blogger" [Under Communicate, show & share]
  3. Follow the steps to set up a Blogger account. 
  4. When you have created the blog, customize your it: choose templates, fonts, and widgets you'd like.
  5. Navigate to http://bthstok.blogspot.com/ and "Follow the Blog".
  6. Complete the google form for the "Nickname" and blog url: Student Blogs 
  7. Check out this video for further info on blogs: Blogger Tutorial  


Very Important: When you step up your account, do not use your real name for "Display Name" or "Blog Name." Instead, use a nickname that is unique. We'll create a private directory of who-is-who and share it with the sections. 


Privacy Concerns

If you are unsure about how to control page views and privacy, please check here for more information.


Site Usage

Please read and follow the site usage contract. Usage Form:


  • Maintaining Safety and Privacy
    1. Anonymity with the outside world, Openness within BTHS
      1. Full names and other identifying information [e.g. telephone numbers, addresses, etc.] should not be posted on the blogs, either by yourself or by other people.
      2. Avoid posting photographs of yourself in publicly accessible internet sites.
      3. Within the BTHS Blogger/ wiki community, it should be clear who is posting to ease communication and grading.  Therefore, we encourage the use of easily identifiable nicknames that use your first name only, a common nickname, or initials.


  • Language and Imagery
    1. You are expected to maintain standards of the BTHS school code when using internet sites. This includes refraining from use of profanity, vulgarity, inappropriate imagery, and links to materials with this content.
      1. If you are unsure whether a link, image, or other material is suitable to post, please ask in advance.
    2. When accessing Blogger feeds outside of the BTHS network, please recognize that some may contain explicit language and/ or offensive content.  BTHS has no control over and accepts no responsibility for these materials, so access non-BTHS Blogger feeds at your own discretion.


  • Cyberbullying
    1. Cyberbullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others".  
      1. Cyberbullying will include both explicit and more subtle forms of harassment, including “inside jokes” that are negatively targeted at specific people and/or groups.
      2. Cyberbullying will be extended to include exclusion of individuals. If a person requests to follow you on Blogger, please remember that we are an academic community, and anyone in this community is permitted to read your blog posts. If there is an instance that causes you to feel uncomfortable with this arrangement, please discuss this with to Mr. Meehan, Dr. Rogers, or guidance.
      3. Report any instances of harassment to Mr. Meehan, Dr. Rogers, or guidance immediately.



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